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and their prices

The first thing people want to know about commissioning a portrait is,
“How much does it cost?”

That’s a hard question to answer because each portrait is unique!

When you want a new roof for your house, you can’t ask, “How much is a roof?” The answer will depend on the size of your house, how many angles your roof has, and whether you want shingles, tiles, or metal roofing. 

So it is with a portrait.


The cost of a portrait 

depends on size, the number of individuals (a human and a dog for example), the complexity of the background (a garden scene for example), and other factors. 

Below are examples of my five categories of portraits.

That will give you an idea of the different types of portraits, sizes, and prices. However, YOUR portrait is a unique work of art unlike any other. Visit The Process page for more info on how to get started.


Click to jump to it's section,
or keep scrolling down to see
all five portrait types.

Head Study

Head Study is a portrait of the head and shoulders. It can also include the upper body.

A Head Study can be a portrait of a human, dog, cat, horse, or any combination of those.

It is usually done on a plain-color background. I will suggest the colors that work best for that individual, or you may have your own background color preference. The background can also be a splash of colors that sets off the figure, or a background scene. 

Head study portrait of a man
Head study portrait of a Doberman in a landscape scene
Head study portrait of a Doberman
Head study portrait of a Belgian Malinois
Head study portrait of a Doberman in a garden scene
Head study portrait of a man and Doberman
Head study portrait of a Sheltie


• Mounting and varnishing

• Custom notecards of the portrait

• Professional packing (labor) 


Full Body is a portrait of the whole figure. It can be a portrait of a human, dog, cat, horse, or any combination of those. Often it's a good way to show the special bond between a human and animal companion. 

Full Body portraits can be done on a plain color that sets off the individual or goes with the colors in your home. Or a background scene, from simple to complex. That can be a real place, or one that I create especially for you as a showcase for the unique beauty of the individual. 

Full body portrait of a woman and German Shepherd
Full body portrait of a woman and cutting horse
Portrait of a Saluki in moonlight
Portrait of a cat
Full body portrait of a young woman
Full body portrait of a family in a garden scene
Full body portrait of a red Doberman


• Mounting and varnishing

• Custom notecards of the portrait

• Professional packing (labor) 


Full Body

A portrait can be imaginative.
A portrait can capture a place, real or imaginary. 
A portrait can transport you to a beautiful setting...that has been created just for you. 

Every portrait is unique, unlike any other. That's especially true with Fully Detailed Background portraits, where the background scene has been custom-designed to showcase the beauty of the figure. There are endless possibilities that can be created, limited only by your dreams.


Visit the Gallery to read about what these special places meant to their owners.

Portrait of Doberman in detailed garden scene
Portrait of an Old English Sheepdog in a detailed background scene
The Phoenix - hi-res.jpg
Portrait of a Doberman wth fantasy castle background
Portrait of a man, woman, and Dobermans in a detailed scene at their home
Portrait of a Doberman with a scenic mountain background


• Mounting and varnishing

• Custom notecards of the portrait

• Professional packing (labor) 


Full Background

(Pronounced GREEZ-eye)

Grisaille is a single-color artwork in light and dark tones on a neutral ground. A Grisaille portrait can be any color, for example the woman in shades of burgundy, or the Pit Bull in shades of brown. Traditionally, grisaille is done in classic black, white, and shades of grey like the Border Collie.


I believe Grisailles are a very under-appreciated portrait type. They can be very beautiful while at the same time keeping the cost down.

Grisaille portrait of a Border Collie dog
Grisaille portrait of a pit bull dog in shades of brown
Grisaille portrait of a woman in a dress and heels
Grisaille head study portrait of a young man


• Mounting and varnishing

• Professional packing (labor) 


Little Jewel

Little Jewels were developed as a lower-cost alternative to my meticulously detailed portraiture. They are also an answer to the challenge of using people's home snapshots that are too blurry or far away to see detail.

Little Jewels are a popular choice for people who wish to give a portrait as a gift.  


A Little Jewel is a simple, expressive portrait done in a quicker, slightly looser style than my more expensive portraits. I call them Little Jewels because they are small - precious little gems - and because they have jewel-like colors.


More about Little Jewel portraits

Little Jewel head study portrait of a Malamute dog
Little Jewel head study portrait of a Poodle dog
Little Jewel portrait of a Doberman doing Schutzhund
Little Jewel head study portrait of a girl child


• Professional packing (labor) 


Mounting, varnishing, and custom notecards are available


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gold background.jpg
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