I’m often amazed at the eloquence with which my client writes about their loved one. Diane’s words helped me capture Zelda’s strong and true Doberman heart. Below is the story Diane told me about Zelda.

“I could write a novel about her.
I had always heard stories of “heart-dogs”
but didn’t know what that meant before I knew this dog.
I met Susan at a local Doberman Club meeting before Zelda was born. I talked to her and told her that I had owned dogs my entire life but Dobermans were always my favorite breed – I just had never had an opportunity to own one. I did Greyhound rescue for 20 years and when I lost my last Greyhound I decided that I wasn’t going to waste any more time and my next breed would be Doberman. I had 2 rescue Dobermans. I had been going to dog shows since I was a child. This was an interest that I shared with my Dad and something we did almost annually until he got too sick to continue. I just woke up one day and decided that I wanted a show dog. So when I talked to Susan I told her that I was looking to purchase a show prospect. Her response “I’m about to breed one of my bitches – I’ll breed you a show dog.” I regularly visited her and watched as Xena’s pregnancy progressed. I’ll never forget the day that Susan sent me an early morning text – “the puppies are coming!” I had taken my mom to a Dr appt and we literally sat in the car in the parking lot of her Dr office while Susan sent the first text – “black boy.” I prayed so hard that there would be at least one female (and was also hoping for a black) because I had a rescue male that did NOT like other male dogs.
Xena ended up having 2 females. From the beginning – I went over every weekend to interact with the puppies. Susan told me from day one – don’t get attached. She wanted to be sure that I ended up with the pick female and since this wouldn’t be even a good guess until they were older – she drilled that into me every time I came over. On or around about day 7 – I picked up the purple collar female and turned her around to look at her face. I looked at Susan and asked “hey – when do they open their eyes?” She informed me that it was WAY too early. Umm…. I turned her to face Susan – her eyes were open. From that day on – try as I could to not get attached – Zelda picked me. I would go over and sit down on the ground and Susan would open the door to the house and the puppies would come spilling out. Without fail – Zelda would race to me first. She would stand on her hind legs and lick my chin. She would then spin around and straddle my leg and actually growl at the other puppies as they came running over! Susan told me later that she just prayed that purple collar would be the pick because we were already forming a bond – try as hard as we might not to.
When the puppies were finally evaluated – turned out that purple collar actually WAS the pick and from then on she was my baby. Zelda is one of the smartest dogs that I’ve ever encountered but is VERY alpha and VERY opinionated! If she doesn’t want to do something – good luck getting her to do it. But from the first time that she opened her eyes – she stared into my soul and I’m convinced that if I could read her mind – I would know without doubt that in Zelda’s mind – her ONLY reason for being on this planet is to be my companion and do her very best to keep me safe. She went through several handlers when she first started her show career but she never meshed with them and I began to think that her show career was over before it ever started. She hated being in the ring. We decided to give her one more try and Susan approached Paula about handling her for us. I drove Zelda to Glen Rose, Texas to meet Paula. From that point on – it was clear that Paula had the right strength and attitude to show this smart, alpha bitch and to bring out the best in her. Unfortunately, Zelda was SO attached to me at that point that I couldn’t even be in the same building when she was showing or Zelda would be more interested in finding me than in paying attention to Paula. So, I sent her on the road for 18 months (only seeing her a few times during that period) and it just about killed me because I missed her so much! But that was the only way that I was going to give her her best shot at showing to her potential. Thank goodness people were live streaming shows during that time because I was still able to watch her in the ring. Susan and I still shake our heads and can’t believe that she garnered the success that she did – coming from “dog show amateurs” to finishing her show career ranked # 14 in the country!
She came home from Nationals that year – retired. To this day – as a 9 ½ year old – she is still just as alpha and just as opinionated. But she has a softness about her now. She is a little grey in the muzzle but still looks pretty good for a dog her age. We do nosework together once a week. But when she looks me in the eyes – and does a soft, slow blink – I swear that we see into each other’s very core. I’m actually getting misty just typing this. I’ve loved every dog that I’ve ever owned – but NO dog ever did or ever will hold a candle to the depth of love that I have for Zelda (and feel pretty sure that she feels for me). She is my constant companion, friend and confidant. She sleeps in bed with me and nestles up against my back – right between my shoulder blades. She knows when I hurt. She knows when I’m sad. She’s just a one in a million that will take a piece of my heart when she finally decides to head for the Rainbow Bridge. But I have no doubt that at some point – we will be together forever.
Now I’m going to stop typing (because I’m sitting here at my desk at work with a tear rolling down my cheek) and I hope that I’ve left you with an impression of this crazy, smart, alpha, loving dog that I call by her nickname… “Duddy”… ❤
BISS TT GCHS CH Lookout Tawee v. Radiant CGC, WAC, Top Twenty contender 2018
Commissioned by Doberman breeder Susan Ramos as a gift to Zelda’s owner Diane Tennison.
A satisfied client: Diane and Susan with Zelda, posing with her framed portrait.

🎨 Prismacolor pencil on “Light Green” Canson Mi-Teintes paper, 17 x 20 inches.
From a photo by Susan Booth.