When I shared this in-progress picture with Diane today I wrote:
“I started working on Zelda’s head today. I re-read what you wrote about her. It made me cry again.”
Diane replied:
“❤ I can’t tell you how much this portrait is going to mean to me…”

When Zelda’s portrait is finished I’ll share what Diane wrote with you. (Zelda is still alive and well at 9.)
BISS TT GCHS CH Lookout Tawee v. Radiant CGC, WAC, Top Twenty contender 2018
🎨 Prismacolor pencil on “Light Green” Canson Mi-Teintes paper, 17 x 20 inches.
Commissioned by Doberman breeder Susan Ramos (Lookout Dobermans) as a gift to Zelda’s owner Diane Tennison.
From a photo by Susan Booth.