Continuing to build Zelda’s musculature and the shapes of her body, the muscles and bone — her structure. A correct Doberman should look “all of a piece”: like everything is connected and in balance, each part flowing harmoniously into the next. Zelda is a wonderful example of how that looks.

When portraying show dogs or show horses, an artist must understand the anatomy of that animal, and they must also know the official “Breed Standard” of that breed: the measure of perfection that each individual animal is judged against in the show ring. Breeders and show competitors know every nuance of correct structure for their breed, and they have an acute, trained eye for what is correct. They will spot it immediately if an artist doesn’t understand what they are portraying.
BISS TT GCHS CH Lookout Tawee v. Radiant CGC, WAC
Top Twenty contender 2018
Commissioned by Doberman breeder Susan Ramos (Lookout Dobermans) as a gift to Zelda’s owner Diane Tennison.
🎨 Prismacolor pencil on “Light Green” Canson Mi-Teintes paper, 17 x 20 inches.
From a photo by Susan Booth.