Finished the portrait of Storm (Conant’s Blizzard CD) for Cathy Nearman in Hawaii.
March 8 - The portrait arrived and Cathy sent this pic and wrote:
Storm portrait arrived this morning!! Yay!
I was out the door to work and my postman delivered this to me!!

I had to rush to work but as soon as I get home today at 5pm I’ll open it up.
I can’t wait till I get home...maybe I’ll leave early!
Ernie and the gang ….we will have a celebration tonight opening it up.
Prismacolor pencil on grey Canson Mi-Teintes paper
16 x 20 inches

The portrait of Storm was done from a photo taken when she was young. Storm is 13 years old now. As the portrait was progressing, Cathy shared the photo of Storm on the new fluffy bed Cathy got her. She wrote: “Storm happy on her cozy bed outside. She has lots of trouble standing up and the bed makes it easier on her bones to get up on the hard ground. She seems very content and happy :)”

An interesting comment Cathy made while I was working on Storm: “A cute observation, as you look at Storm. Take a look at her brows… the white side of her face has white brows and her black side of face has black eye brows.”
(Storm’s mother Robin was a tri-color Border Collie with brown eyebrows)
When I sent Cathy jpgs of the finished portrait for approval she wrote back:
"You did an awesome job!! Magnificently, you captured Storm's beauty and strength, and I think we chose the best photo for this project! I mean, we only sent you over a 100 photos..haha
I can’t wait to see it, once I get to unwrap this special package!
Every piece of hair on her coat is beautifully drawn and the colors in her coat are glistening outdoors in the wind. Simply beautiful!!
I’m honored that you have drawn another beautiful portrait for the collection of the Conant’s Border Collies and and this one of Storm, I will treasure for a lifetime, along with Robin and Alina."
After receiving the portrait Cathy wrote: