Putting in the ferns with colored pencil over the green underpainting (see previous post for explanation).
And over the blue-grey underpainting I had done previously on the bridge. The original grey of the paper is only visible at the bottom edge of this pic, (just to the left of the “k” in kevinportraits).

I haven’t yet added pencil-work to the bridge: the gaps between planks, wood grain, little bits of fallen leaves, and the shadows under Shasta that will tie her to the bridge’s surface. First I have to finish the ferns and foliage on both sides of the bridge, because I’m doing green colored pencil over the blue-grey to make ferns overlapping the planks. The bridge will be the very last thing I do to finish Shasta’s portrait.
🎨 Detail of “Shasta”, a portrait of a tri-color Australian Shepherd.
Prismacolor pencil on grey Canson paper, with watercolor underpainting.
20 x 26 inches.