I’m working on the path now, to the left of Shasta. Here’s today’s work...
You can see the curved lines of the path (sketched in with pale yellow pencil) as it comes around the tree.

Notice how I used the grey of the paper as the main color of the path. Then I just threw on some dots and dashes of pencil strokes in a few different golds, browns, and greys to give the path texture. The impression of some pebbles, fir-tree needles, and bits of fallen leaves on a forest trail.
I chose grey paper for this portrait for a number of reasons. This was one of them.

I think Shasta looks like she is just about to turn around and dash down that path!

Detail of “Shasta”, a portrait of an Australian Shepherd on a forest trail.
🎨 Prismacolor pencil on grey Canson Mi-Teintes paper, with blue watercolor wash on the bridge.
20 x 26 inches