Working on the 6th and final Remmy, in the lower right. Walt wanted to include a full-body pic of Remmy standing, somewhere in the portrait. Remmy was looking at a squirrel overhead, bound and determined to catch it.
This head is even smaller than “red-ball Remmy”. Very challenging to capture accurate facial details when they are so tiny….smaller than a sharp pencil point. I HAVE to get his eye accurate. The eye is what makes this Remmy….his expression as he's looking up at the squirrel above in the tree.

Want to see how bad Remmy wants to get that squirrel?
Just after taking that standing photo of Remmy looking up indignantly at the squirrel, Walt took about 50 more shots of Remmy going crazy trying to get at it! Here are three of my favorites...
"I'll gnaw this tree down to get at you, Squirrel!"
What a character.
I did it! I think I got that eye just right. Very challenging to do working this small ( pencils for size!)

Filling in the rest of his head. The mouth is important to his expression too. You can almost feel his exasperation, and the wheels turning trying to figure out how he is going to fly up in the tree and grab that pesky squirrel.

That's where I quit for the day.
Did the Angel Remmy face (his reflection) and most of this lower-right Remmy face. Two faces is a lot in one day. It takes a lot of concentration, a lot of connection with Remmy, and takes a lot out of me.