Even with my trained eye, sometimes colors surprise me. In Annie’s photo it looks like a pink patch inside Popeye’s nostril. But want to know what color that actually is?
Annie’s photo.
I was getting ready to work on Popeye’s nostril, the last thing left to finish his face. I wasn’t sure exactly what color pencils I’d need to do that pink patch. Pink of course, shading to brick-red for the darkest part, I thought.

When I want to see exactly what a color is so I can choose the pencil color closest to it, I “sample” it in Photoshop. I was so surprised how much darker the red was than I expected, I sampled it twice to be sure.
Are you surprised too?

A scan of the portrait as I was getting ready to work on that nostril. The only thing left to do to finish Popeye's head.

Portrait of “Popeye” for Annie W.
Prismacolor pencil on “Steel blue” Canson paper