This portrait features Grand Champion, Top Twenty Doberman "Nadia",
GCHS CH Belz Catch My Breath WAC
with professional handler Hernan Matias Pacheco
and Junior Handler Julianna M.
Here’s what owner Katherine B. wrote about the special people in Nadia’s life:
“Julianna and Hernan and Allison, Hernan’s wife, were the special people behind Nadia. Julianna started her as her Junior Showmanship dog. Both Hernan and Julianna showed her to her Championship. Julianna was in the Top Twenty in Junior Showmanship for several years with Nadia. Then after she got her Championship, Julianna put most of her Grand Championship points on her. From there Julianna wanted to try for Owner Handler in 2018 (she was a co-owner of Nadia). We were number 1 Owner-Handler in Dobermans in 2018. Then we decided to show her in the Top Twenty and choose Hernan to show her, and Nadia was number 14 in 2020. These three people played a very important part in Nadia’s life and getting her to where she is.”

Katherine B (Belz Dobermans) is Nadia's Breeder-Owner.