It was a little trickier than I thought to do the “single-color” head study. I planned it as being in shades of grey, for which I’d use 5 different shades of grey pencils. But it’s transparent over the scene, so the color “grey” over the sky is actually quite different than the “grey” over the sunset clouds, because of the colors that show through (that’s what makes it looks “transparent” on the scene). Lacy’s ears were done with blue-greys and up toward the tip of the ear actually blue pencils. Her upper face, because of the pink and orange clouds, are actually mauve (pink-grey)s and brown (orange-grey)s. When I realized that her upper head would be in browns, I planned to do her eyes in their realistic color. And her coat in that area is actually pretty close to a red Doberman too. I also had to do blue-greys for the mountains behind her cheek, and will have to do greenish-tinted greys for the hills. That made a lot more work than I had planned, but I am really pleased with how it’s turning out.

When I sent that picture to Betty she responded:
Oh wow!
Now I can see it’s Lacy!!! Her eyes are perfect!
Thanks Kevin!!
This is how the whole artwork looks as I continue work on Lacy's muzzle and mouth...

Double portrait of Lacy, for Betty K.
Prismacolor pencil over watercolor underpainting on pale grey Canson paper.