I finished the memorial "double portrait" of Lacy for Betty K.
Lacy lived in Tennessee with Betty near the Smoky Mountains, where they hiked together often. Lacy loved the water & hiking. Here’s what Betty told me about her:
She was happy all the time. Loved people, animals, everything. She noticed everything. Very calm. She was friends with everyone, both people & animals. “Everyone loved Lacy!!”, Betty said.

Prismacolor pencil and watercolor on Canson Mi-Teintes paper.
20 x 26 inches
Here are a few close-ups to show the details in this complex piece.
Lacy lived to almost 11, she was the oldest Doberman Betty has had.
“Lacy” (Mikadobe’s Maroon Bell) Sept 2010 - June 2021.
Lacy’s smiling face is transparent in the scene, as though her spirit now lives in the sky and the clouds, the Smoky Mountains and the rivers which she loved.

Betty sent many scenic photos from her hikes with Lacy. The background in this portrait is from photos of a river with the Smoky Mountains in the background, and beautiful sunset clouds reflected in the river.

Betty asked that I include a dragonfly somewhere in the artwork. I didn't want to make it too prominent and take attention away from Lacy, so I hid it in her reflection. To the right of the dragonfly I put a small heart rock, just where the river meets the shore, to symbolize the meeting of canine and human hearts.

Prismacolor pencil over watercolor underpainting, on Pearl Canson Mi-Teintes paper.
20 x 26 inches