Now that the underpainting is in, and I’ve peeled off the masking material protecting the figures (leaving me nice virgin grey Canson paper to work on), I start putting in the first of Karen’s SAR dogs with colored pencil.
This is Cooper.
CH Heartwood’s Hot Night Boogie, ROM, CGC, RA, SAR Air Scent, SAR Human Remains Detection, WAC

Next day:
Continuing work on Cooper....
He's wearing his official Search-and-Rescue vest with the Sheriff’s logo on it. Karen told me the bell on his collar was important to include. She said, “That tells them they are working.”

After I shared this on Facebook, another K-9 SAR handler added additional info: "The bell also tells the handler where the dog is when they are doing area search work. The dog runs off lead so you can hear the dog plus it lets other wildlife know we are in the area and gives them a chance to depart the area."