This is how “Cheri and Larry” looks now, as I start working on Larry. To help me capture his essence, Cheri shared many memories of Larry with me. Here’s one:
“People who know us will immediately note that the photo was taken a long time ago - but it was the only one that radiated our love and the happiness we had together - doing anything. Mostly nothing to write home about - just day to day stuff, hanging out, hunting for the best banana-split maker in San Diego during our first year of marriage (and YES, we found him!)...going to a movie...enjoying the chimes in the backyard with Larry always on the lookout for humming birds. He found a litter of 3 nesting in one of the legs of the cat chime - God, he was so excited. They all survived and the following year, the mother returned and had a second group of babies - all but one made it. There I go again…”
When an artist does a portrait, we don’t just capture a likeness, we capture a lifetime.

This double portrait was commissioned by Cheri McNealy after the loss of her beloved husband Larry, in December 2023. They were together for 57 years.
🎨 Prismacolor pencil on "Felt Grey" Canson Mi-Teintes paper.
20 x 24 inches.