Continuing work on “Cheri and Larry”....
I'm starting on Larry now, beginning with his brown hair. Like Cheri’s hair, that part of the assignment was a bit of a challenge. In the few photos I have of him, Larry’s hair looks almost black. But Cheri told me it was much lighter, a medium brown.
I put in hair highlights first, then add the darker browns in around them: the shadowed spaces between the locks of hair. I also run a light-brown pencil (raw umber) softly “over” the highlights, blending the pencil colors a bit so there won’t be too much contrast between the lights and darks.

Continuing on across the hairstyle, left to right, doing the highlights first, then the darks, then blending and softening with mid-tone browns. These are the brown and grey pencils I’m using.

I had to do the upper edge of Larry’s forehead as I went, so I have something to anchor the hair to.
In the few photos I have of him, Larry’s hair looks very dark, almost black. But Cheri told me it was much lighter, a medium brown. She sent a photo of their grandson Luke and said, “Luke’s hair is the color of Larry’s hair.” So on my monitor for reference I have photos of Larry that show how he wore his hair, and in the upper right is a photo of Luke for hair color.

The pencils I’m using for Larry’s hair are directly above where I’m working. The other pencils are the ones I am using for the faces. And off in the upper corner of my work table are the colors I used for Cheri’s lips. I don’t need those for a while, until I get to Larry’s mouth. At the far right is my trusty, hard-working, electric pencil-sharpener.
Double portrait of Cheri McNealy and her beloved late husband Larry McNealy, in progress.
🎨 Prismacolor pencil on "Felt Grey" Canson Mi-Teintes paper.
20 x 24 inches.