Finished Cheri’s face and neck.
Reflected light is important. These blue and grey colors on her jaw and side of her neck were caused by the reflected light from Larry's blue t-shirt.

Larry's shirt isn't finished yet, but when the portrait is finished, these colors on Cheri's skin will look accurate. That's part of what creates "realism" in artwork.
In the studio:
The pencil colors I’ve been using for Cheri’s face are above the artwork where I can grab them quickly, along with swatches of those colors on a scrap of grey paper. The blue and blue-grey (cool grey) pencils I used to create the blue shades are next to her face where I’m working.

Continuing my in-progress posts of a double portrait of Cheri McNealy and her beloved late husband Larry McNealy.
🎨 Prismacolor pencil on "Felt Grey" Canson Mi-Teintes paper.
20 x 24 inches.