I’m making good progress on Cheri’s face.

I have known Cheri for 33 years. She was instrumental in introducing my artwork to the Doberman community in 1991, and has been my biggest fan and promoter ever since. I would not be as well-known in the dog world as I am, across the U.S. and Canada, if not for Cheri.
I'm so well-known for dog portraits a lot of people don't know I do humans too! I specialized in the human figure in my artwork for galleries for more than 15 years before I got into Dobermans.
Every portrait I do is a love story. This one is about a couple who loved eachother for 57 years.

Double portrait of Cheri McNealy and her beloved late husband Larry McNealy, in progress.
🎨 Prismacolor pencil on grey Canson Mi-Teintes paper.
20 x 24 inches.