Ashley Skura shared a beautiful photo of her Dobergirl in a Doberman Group on Facebook when someone asked for examples of beautiful Dobe heads.
As soon as I saw it, it reminded me of my pen-and-ink artwork, "Curiosity”!
Ashley's photo...

My original pen-and-ink, "Curiosity".

I’m a Doberman artist who has been recognized across the U.S. and Canada for my Doberman art since 1991. I created many Doberman pen-and-inks, mostly using my own Dobes as the models, throughout the 1990s. My pen-and-inks Doberman art was reproduced on notecards, prints, and apparel, sold at the Doberman Pinscher Club of America Nationals each year during those years.
The Doberman in Ashley’s photo is “Sloane”, BISS RATCHX GCH Andella’s Grand Admiral Sloane CGC TKA BN GN CDX RE SWN SCA BCAT CZ8G DS NA ROM
Ashley Skura is Sloane's owner.