As the summer canine sports season revs up, I'm happy to announce the re-release of this popular favorite on t-shirts, sweatshirts, totes, and water bottles.

Throughout the 1990's I sold my original Doberman artwork at a vendor booth at the Doberman Pinscher Club of America (DPCA) National Specialty Show every year. My pen-and-ink renditions of the beauty and personality of Dobermans were consistently popular. After a few years I partnered with Gabi and Ward Wentzel, who ran a screen-printing business, to expand my product line to include shirts, tote-bags, bandanas, and other screen-printed and embroidered items. Over the years I sold thousands of reproductions of my artwork - both full-color and line art - on notecards, prints, and the items produced by the Wentzels.
"A Skilled Individual" was a particular favorite with the show and competition people. After being unavailable for years I feel it's high time to bring this design back! It is now available on shirts (many shirt styles and colors to choose from), tote bags, and water bottles at my REDBUBBLE STORE.
If you've worked hard to be the best, let it show!
In every canine sport - Agility, Dock-diving, Obedience, Schutzhund - and every human activity from knitting to ballroom dancing: “a skilled individual makes it look easy”!