Types of Portraits:
A Full Body is a portrait of the whole figure. Sometimes the feet and lower legs are not included, but there is more than in a Head Study portrait.
A Full Body portrait can be a human, dog, cat, or horse. Or it can be any combination of those, for example a human and horse in the same portrait.
A Full Body portrait can be a lovely way to show the special bond between two individuals...

...or a whole family!
or three individuals...

There are many options for backgrounds in Full Body portraits.
Here are some examples. Click the image to see it larger.
Plain background
The background can be any color. I will suggest the colors that work best, or you may have your own background color preference.
Plain background portraits often use something to “anchor” the figure, such as a shadow at the base of the figure, or the rock under the white Saluki.

Splash of color background
A splash of color can be a beautiful way to set off the figure, and less expensive than a detailed scene.
A "splash of color" background can be abstract like this horse portrait...or a simple suggestion of a scene like the field of yellow flowers.

Simple background scene
A "background scene" is one that fills every inch of the background, out to the edges of the painting.
The more detail added to the scene, the more labor-intensive the painting is to create. Often the figure can be displayed beautifully by a simple scene without much detail, like this Doberman on a sunny beach.

Detailed background scene
There are endless possibilities for background scenes, from very simple to very detailed. A FULL BODY portrait with a detailed background scene, such as this garden scene, is the same price as a FULLY DETAILED BACKGROUND portrait on the Price List.
page for more examples.

Pet portraits are priced less than Human portraits.
For additional individuals in the same portrait, add 50% to the price.
A detailed background scene behind the figure in a FULL BODY portrait is the same price as a FULLY DETAILED BACKGROUND portrait.
Included in the price:
• Mounting on archival board, and varnishing with acrylic artist's varnish
• A set of custom notecards of the portrait
• Professional packing (labor)
Framing is not included.
FULL BODY Portraits Gallery
These examples are arranged by size (small to large) and background (simple to complex).
Click each one to read about pricing for that particular portrait.
Below the gallery is a complete Price List.
Detailed background scenes
The Price List shows a variety of sizes. Other sizes are available. A portrait can be any size, or any shape (tall and thin for example). It doesn't have to be a standard size.
FULL BODY Pet portraits are priced less than FULL BODY Human portraits. For additional individuals in the same portrait (human or animal), add 50% per individual. For an additional human, add 50% of the Human portrait price, for a pet add 50% of the Pet price.
Your portrait is unique, unlike any other. Together we will decide on the best way to portray the special beauty of your loved one. The price may be higher or lower than shown on the Price List, depending on what we decide.
The Price List shows the 5 portrait types. For more about each type, click the thumbnail to go to it's page.
(You are on the FULL BODY page)
Included in the price of a FULL BODY portrait:
Mounting and varnishing
Custom notecards
Professional packing service