Cooper portrait in progress 3 - Starting at the top...
Cooper portrait in progress 2 - Some wild colors
Popeye portrait in progress - start to finish
Briscoe portrait finished!
Briscoe portrait in progress 7 - Portrait addiction
Briscoe portrait in progress 6 - The surprising colors of a tongue
Briscoe portrait in progress 5 - Smile emerging...
Briscoe portrait in progress 4
Briscoe portrait in progress 3 - How to make an eye
Briscoe portrait in progress 2 - Eyes bring life
Briscoe portrait in progress 1
Popeye portrait finished!
Popeye portrait in progress 7 - A color surprise...
Popeye portrait in progress 6 - I begged my parents for a horse
Popeye portrait in progress 5 - What is a complement?
Popeye portrait in progress 4 - The eye
Popeye portrait in progress 3 - Judging pencil colors
Popeye portrait in progress 2
Rare portrait in progress - start to finish
Rare portrait finished!