Kevin Roeckl
5 days ago1 min read
Zelda portrait in progress 8 - Glitches with studio time...
As I worked my way forward on Zelda’s body to her shoulders, I wanted to do her head next. Her ears are finished, which was my first day...

Kevin Roeckl
Feb 201 min read
Zelda portrait in progress 7 - Back after a long break
Resuming work on Zelda, the portrait of the Top Twenty show Doberman, after a VERY long break for health issues. Now working on her...

Kevin Roeckl
Jan 231 min read
Zelda portrait in progress 6 - First the ears...
When I shared this in-progress picture with Diane today I wrote: “I started working on Zelda’s head today. I re-read what you wrote about...

Kevin Roeckl
Jan 201 min read
Zelda portrait in progress 5 - Keeping it correct
Continuing to build Zelda’s musculature and the shapes of her body, the muscles and bone — her structure. A correct Doberman should look...

Kevin Roeckl
Jan 172 min read
Zelda portrait in progress 4 - About pencil pressure...
Lots of colored pencil artists believe it’s necessary to build up lots of layers with light pressure to achieve a solid color. I don’t...